Friday, June 8, 2012


Today my family will gather together from the north and the south, for my cousin Nate's wedding in Iowa. Last weekend they celebrated another cousin's wedding in MN. It seems to be a year of weddings, with several friends planning to tie the knot this year, and also two of my younger brothers towards the end of the year. It is sad for me to miss these big events.

When I was young, I always loved the family reunions. As a child, they usually centered around a holiday or birthday or graduation. In more recent years, it's been weddings mostly. I haven't been to any of the cousin's weddings, except Daphne's, since she married before we went to Africa. There will continue to be many weddings for the next few years ( there are 24 cousins in my generation!). Being so far away from those I love is hard.

 It was especially sad when my brother Jesse moved his wedding plans from December up to October- because we won't be able to go back that soon. Yes, I cried a little. I think it's very inconsiderate that he cannot wait for eight weeks or so, when we could come. When all of his siblings could be there together with him, to celebrate with him what God has done in his life. It's a big deal. But I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later- that we couldn't make it for a big occasion.

Giving up this family life hurts the most in choosing to obey God wherever He calls us. Yet, Jesus has promised, "Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life."

 Interestingly, there are also several weddings here this year. Later today several people will meet at our house to plan the wedding of a friend. (Bob was duly elected chairman of the wedding planning committee, ha! He hates weddings! But he does a good job getting people organized.) I know that we are blessed in so many ways, much more than if we would just stay in the US. He has given us friends and family here; our love is spread all over the globe.

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