I have not abandoned this blog [yet] ! We have not had electricity for a few days this week. It was only our little neighborhood that was without. The transformer was damaged, and it took a few days to get the new one. We were very happy to see the electric company truck drive by with a new transformer strapped to the back! A couple hours later, we had
umeme! Electricity is so nice. It makes life so convenient. We thank God for it!
Our internet has not been working for several days either. The fundi finally came to fix it yesterday. Hooray, contact with the outside world!
We've had plenty of time for reading this week, what with no electricity and the one-week break from school. Gilbert has really been into Laura Ingalls Wilder lately (these are his
favorite books, he says!), and would love it if I could read to him all day. Unfortunately my voice won't hold out that long! We finished
Little House on the Prairie, and now we are reading
On the Banks of Plum Creek.

This is Gilbert's draw-and-write page. I thought I would post it, even though the G is reversed...it is too funny! I asked him to draw something that stared with "G" and then write the word. And this is what he wrote! Gut! Yes, he helped butcher chickens this week. He eviscerated one all by himself, and he actually did a pretty good job! Kids are hilarious.
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